UX Experiments
Self initiated (2023)

Fastest signup process?

Real Hamburger Menu Animation

Real Hamburger Menu Animation

Good design is frictionless. In using a new product that needs a signup (on the phone), I've often been put off by the lengthy experience. So I wondered if there was a simpler way to go about it and so I came up with 'tap-tap' signup - because it (could) only takes 2 clicks (or taps)

At SurePeople I engage as a product designer working closely at fine-tuning our existing range of offering in our enterprise product suite and at other times at extending into new product line.

At SurePeople I engage as a product designer working closely at fine-tuning our existing range of offering in our enterprise product suite and at other times at extending into new product line.


A Figma Prototype to show how it could work (click to proceed in the proto)

The roadmap has an app that we have down the line. So I visualised some early app ideas and had some fun with Flinto to create a squishy burger menu animation.

The roadmap has an app that we have down the line. So I visualised some early app ideas and had some fun with Flinto to create a squishy burger menu animation.

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© Mylk – 2018